Your Own Custom Caffeine

Actual conversation last month:

ME: “Do you have decaf lattes?”

WAITRESS: “No – it’s not the real deal, anyways.”

Actual conversation this month:

ME: “Man, these decaf iced coffees from Dunkin Donuts are so good!”

FRIEND: “What’s the point of drinking them if they don’t have caffeine?”


Well, those were some awkward situations.  I’m glad I encountered them, though, as they triggered a rift in my brain that made me consider how we’re conditioned to think about coffee/caffeine/requirements for getting a “boost.”  The waitress’ comment was a bit snarky, but my friend had a valid question.

Most people associate coffee and caffeine with a morning routine that helps prepare them for the day.  They help break from an early grogginess, provide mid-day fuel, or help fight off evening fatigue.  If you don’t have the chemicals, then you don’t receive the benefits, right?  Absolutely correct.

But what if you’re not drinking coffee specifically to shock your central nervous system into gear?  I drink decaf hot coffee at night while reading, and drink decaf iced coffee on hot days (which was the case while sitting with my buddy).

The reason why many people have difficulty understanding Decaf is it does not fit their framework of what coffee is supposed to do, and why it even exists.  If person A only drinks coffee for the side affects and then person B arrives not wanting those side affects, it doesn’t compute.

Put another way: person A only uses their car to drive to work and pick up the kids from school, but person B uses their car primarily to market a business and test speed limits.  If you asked person A about buying a new car with strictly person B’s intentions in mind, they wouldn’t buy the car.  The reverse wouldn’t work, either.

I believe most people associate coffee with having the main purpose of waking up your body.  That’s not necessarily bad by itself, but what is dangerous is having a “if it doesn’t work for me, then it doesn’t work, period” mindset.  This isn’t about coffee – it could be about any product/service/habit/passion.

I drink decaf coffee because I like the taste of coffee in general, and enjoy not being wired at night.

When you see someone embarking on a path unlike your own, resist the knee-jerk reaction to assume it’s wrong.  Pause for a moment, and understand there could be more than one healthy/fun/exciting path.  Usually, the exact opposite is true: there are many, many ways to enjoy drinks, food, movies, adventures, careers, cars, unique personalities, and every look in the book.

Hopefully, this didn’t come off as a rant or anti-caffeine or whiny.  I just wanted you to know I enjoy your company regardless if its a caffeinated or decaf experience.

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